Kanzlei Doszna

Drugs criminal law

Criminal drug law is a specialized area of criminal law and is regulated in the Narcotics Act (BtMG). It covers any handling of narcotics that is relevant under criminal law. Not only the seller but also the buyer is liable to prosecution.

What offenses are covered by the BtmG

The following actions can be punished under the BtmG

Possession of drugs

Manufacture of drugs

Cultivation of drugs

Dealing in drugs

Which drugs are prohibited

The following substances, among others, are prohibited


Cannabis (still), amphetamine, cocaine, “legal highs”, ecstasy, crystal meth, mushrooms, LSD

What are the penalties

In minor cases, there is only a fine. However, if larger quantities of drugs are involved, high prison sentences (not less than two or five years) can sometimes be imposed.

Strafrecht Aachen

Whether cannabis, ecstasy, LSD or other. We are familiar with the most common drugs and know what the consequences can be if you are convicted of dealing in narcotics or driving a motor vehicle under the influence of narcotics. In criminal proceedings relating to the BtMG, we can develop a defense strategy on the basis of an inspection of the files in order to protect your rights in the best possible way.

Nikolai Doszna ist ein Strafverteidiger Aachen. Als Rechtsanwalt Aachen bearbeitet er auch Fälle als Pflichtverteidiger Aachen. Dabei berät der Rechtsanwalt auf Polnisch. Neben dem Bereich Betäubungsmittelstrafrecht Aachen vertritt die Kanzlei Doszna auch im Strafrecht Aachen.

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