Kanzlei Doszna

Basic criminal law

Basic criminal law is not a clearly defined term. As we understand it from a lawyer’s perspective, it primarily covers measures in which a person comes into contact with the criminal prosecution authorities for the first time.


Once the investigation has been completed, the public prosecutor’s office files charges if there is sufficient suspicion of a crime. Then comes the time when you receive an indictment. This informs you of the charges against you. It specifies the offense and defines the subject matter of the court proceedings that may follow. If you have received an indictment, remember the following: You have the right to remain silent, keep calm and do not make any hasty statements!  Do not make any other statements that go beyond establishing your identity. In criminal proceedings, you are confronted with the entire power apparatus of the state. Only with a criminal defense lawyer can you meet the investigating authorities on an equal footing. Do not make any statements for the time being and talk to us. We will advise you on the best course of action


If you have received a summons from the police, the same applies here: Keep calm, don’t panic. A summons initially only means that preliminary proceedings have been initiated against you. Once the investigation has been completed, the public prosecutor’s office will receive the file and decide on the fate of the proceedings. It is possible for the proceedings to be discontinued due to lack of evidence of the crime, lack of criminal liability, discontinuation of the proceedings due to minor offences or the filing of an indictment or the issuing of a penalty order. There is no obligation to comment on the accusation. You have the right to remain silent. We know from experience as criminal defense lawyers that it is best to make use of this right. Nobody has to incriminate themselves! You do not have to attend a summons. Such an obligation only exists if the summons comes from the public prosecutor’s office, § 163a para. 3 sentence 1 StPO.

Penalty Order

Ein Strafbefehl ist in etwa vergleichbar mit einem Urteil, das ohne Hauptverhandlung gefällt wird.  Jedoch ist dieses natürlich nicht rechtskräftig. Es ist möglich, innerhalb einer Frist von zwei Wochen Einspruch  gegen den Strafbefehl einzulegen und damit die Durchführung einer Hauptverhandlung in die Wege zu leiten. Nur wenn diese Frist abläuft, wird der Strafbefehl rechtskräftig und Sie sind verurteilt. Da es sich bei einem Strafbefehl um ein schriftliches Verfahren handelt, ohne dass der Beschuldigte bis zum Strafbefehl zwingend von dem Ermittlungsverfahren Kenntnis erlangt haben muss, können nur bestimmte Strafen verhängt werden. Diese sind: Geldstrafe, Fahrverbot, Entziehung der Fahrerlaubnis, Verwarnung mit Strafvorbehalt Nur, wenn der Beschuldigte einen Verteidiger hat, kann eine Freiheitsstrafe bis zu einem Jahr verhängt werden. In über 90 % der Fälle wird jedoch lediglich eine Geldstrafe verhängt. Sofern Einspruch eingelegt wird, ist es möglich den Einspruch auch auf die Tagessatzhöhe der Geldstrafe zu beschränken.


A search in your own home or other places always involves a major intrusion into your basic rights and your privacy. Nevertheless, it is important to remain calm. The law enforcement authorities are entitled to search your home if there is an initial suspicion that a criminal offense has been committed. The same applies here: Do not make any statements without consulting a lawyer. Do not let the police engage in small talk. They often use certain tactics to elicit information from you. Insist on seeing the search warrant and ask to see a record of any seizures or confiscations.


If you have been arrested by the police or have been informed that you will be remanded in custody (U-Haft) because an arrest warrant has been issued, you must again remain calm. Remain silent and do not make any statements about the case. Insist on your right to contact a lawyer. You may continue to receive visitors while in custody. You also have the legal remedies of a detention review and a detention appeal, which may allow you to be released again. We will check for you whether the requirements for pre-trial detention are met. This includes an urgent suspicion of a crime and the existence of grounds for detention. Permissible grounds for detention are Flight, risk of flight, risk of concealment, risk of repetition or the existence of particularly serious criminal offenses

Regardless of whether you already have experience with the police, public prosecutor’s office or criminal courts: In any situation, it is advisable to instruct a criminal defense lawyer to defend you. As early as the preliminary proceedings, the defense lawyer can bring down the accusation of the crime through skillful negotiation or by revealing gaps and errors in the police investigation. In the event of an indictment and trial in court, we represent your rights and ensure that the proceedings are conducted properly. You can also rely on our experience in criminal law in the appeal instances

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